IP - MINOS 1.0
IP-MINOS(TM) is a collection of simple textbook branch-and-bound procedures which, together with MINOS, allow the MINOS user to solve binary integer programs, or mixed integer linear programs, or any linear program where some or all of the variables are integer multiples of given increments. The general mixed integer programming package, allows the user to solve integer programs where some or all of the variables are integer multiples of user-specified increments; these increments may or may not be integer-valued themselves. This approach may allow for more stability in the problems the user wishes to solve, since it will not be necessary to scale the problem constraints to deal with strictly integer-valued variables. The routines are designed to execute a simple textbook version of the branch-and-bound technique for integer programming; thus they should work fine for problems with a few integer variables. However, because source code is provided, the sophisticated user may be able to modify these routines to create powerful and efficient versions of the branch-and-bound algorithm.

Any scientific machine with a Fortran 77 compiler (mainframes, workstations or, PCs) and a copy of MINOS 5.4 or later.


All prices are for payments by check or cash. Academic pricing is for Universities (or institutions that offer degrees for academic work). The prices are one-time fees for a perpetual license to use the current version of IP-MINOS. IP-MINOS requires you to own or purchase a license to use MINOS. The usage of IP-MINOS is governed by a license agreement; to obtain an license agreement and order IP-MINOS, Click here.


IP - MINOS Prices (US$)
Single User
Dept / Site / Branch
University / Company / Agency - Wide
US Govt.
Single User
Dept / Site / Branch
University / Company / Agency - Wide
US Govt.


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